Tuesday, September 20, 2005

End of the World

The world's end came as a small dot
---at the end of a sentence. Everybody died
without ado, and nobody cried
---enough to show the measure of it.

God said: 'I do not love you', quite
---quietly, but with a final note;
it seemed the words caught in his throat,
---or else he stifled a yawn as the trite*

phrase escaped his dust-enlivening lips.
---At least, there was no argument,
no softening tact, no lover's cant**,
---but sudden vacuum, total eclipse

of sense and meaning. The world had gone
---and everything on it, except the lives
all of us had to live: the wives,
---children, clocks which ticked on,
unpaid bills, enormous powder-blocks
---chock full of arms demanding peace,
and the prayerful in a state of grace
---pouncing on bread and wine like hawks.

-Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed.
Archaic. Frayed or worn out by use.

-Monotonous talk filled with platitudes.
-Hypocritically pious language.
-Whining speech

1 comment:

Meg Seaver said...

did i miss somethng---you don`t give poet`s name Meg Seaver Montarras Paris February 2009