Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Something Random

She fastens seatbelt.

Hello! Thanks for picking me up. -pause- normally, I'd walk home in this rain, but it's late and I don't want to wet my jacket. And I'm very tired. -yawns-

This rain is quite heavy.

Oh. Hmm. I ran home in a rainstorm before. It was so heavy I couldn't see ten meters.

You still ran home?

Yup. -long pause- It's always better to do this sort of thing when you're young. No chance when you're old.

She looks out of the windows. He drives in silence.

Have you had dinner?

Ya. -looks expectantly at him, sighs, turns to her books-

Bad lighting. You'll spoil your eyes.


Monday, April 17, 2006

DnD 'homework'

[Bus stop. Jo is sitting, holding a bunch of flowers and looking through an old photo album. Stef enters]

S: Hey hi.

J: Oh hi Stef. How've you been?

S: [Shrugs] Ok... What's that?

J: These are our parents' photos. See, that's their wedding photo. They look so happy together.

S: Mom looks very pretty in that one. Is that us?

J: Yes, that's you when you were a baby, that's me, and that's Reuben.

S: I can't remember how they look like.

J: You were only two when they died.

S: Anyway, where's Reuben?

J: Ya, we were supposed to meet half an hour ago. It's unlike him to be this late.

[Reuben enters, dressed in street punk fashion, talking loudly into a cellphone]

R: Cannot lah... yah I know bowling. Ya... got to visit my parents' graves lah! Cannot cannot. Like I don't want!

J: Reuben.

R: Aiya sister angry already. No no, cannot go. Yah. [Ends call] Yes?

J: Reuben why are you so late?

R: Something came up lah.

S: Gor, why is your hair purple?

R: It's fashion! See, so cool. Maybe you should go and dye your hair purple also.

S: You're suddenly so different.

R: How?

S: Auntie always tells me stories of how neat and nice you were.

J: What happened to you Reuben?

R: [uncomfortable] Aiya, Uncle brought me up this way, what to do? Eh let's go, very late already. Faster faster!

[Trio moves across the stage]

S: Are those their graves?

J: [places flowers on graves] Look, our names.

S: [reads] Left behind three children, Loved from the Beginning. Joanna, Reuben, Stef. [To Jo] I want to look at the album again. Tell me more about mom and dad. How did they die?

[Reuben rolls eyes and wanders away, smsing. Sisters move to a grassy patch nearby and sit]

J: It was a car accident along Orchard Road. A lorry crashed into their car and they died on the spot. We were at grandma's house at that time. After the accident, Aunty Pearl, Aunty Magaret and Uncle Bruce took care of us seperately. Unfortunately they didn't like each other.

S: Ya. They didn't want us to meet.

J: First time in eleven years... and on their anniversary.

[Reuben's phone rings]

R: Hello? What... I said cannot. So irritating! How come? Fine fine fine... I'll go later. Later lah! [Ends call] Eh, you all ready or not? Faster can? I need to go already.

S: Gor, do you miss our parents?

R: Die already, miss for what?

J: Reuben, what would mom and dad say if they ever saw you like that? [Long pause] How would they feel?

R: [Gruffly] I miss them sometimes, ok? Quick, let's go.

[Sisters get ready to leave]

J: Have you been crying?

R: Who, me? No, no, nothing. Let's go let's go.


Hopefully this short script is coherent =) Please do comment, suggestions most welcome. Thankie!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

She stood still while the travellator breezed her past the shelves. Bananas, tinned sardines, lingerie.. something caught her eye. Glancing at the rows of merchandise in front of her, she pointed and a box flew into her outstretched hand.

"NEW!!!" The neon label screamed at her. "BETCHA CAN'T TELL E DIFFERENCE!"

"Wht's dis? nother new produck? YES! FINALLY! a mechanical hsehold helpr
tt looks n feels lyke one o us!
NO MORE stranger @ home! NO MORE metal freak!
Dis guy or gal wld be a new membr o e family!"

Her heart thumped beneath her mithril blouse. Turning the box around, she customised the look of Raon. Blue eyes, brown spiky hair,

-shall I continue this?-

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

End of the World

The world's end came as a small dot
---at the end of a sentence. Everybody died
without ado, and nobody cried
---enough to show the measure of it.

God said: 'I do not love you', quite
---quietly, but with a final note;
it seemed the words caught in his throat,
---or else he stifled a yawn as the trite*

phrase escaped his dust-enlivening lips.
---At least, there was no argument,
no softening tact, no lover's cant**,
---but sudden vacuum, total eclipse

of sense and meaning. The world had gone
---and everything on it, except the lives
all of us had to live: the wives,
---children, clocks which ticked on,
unpaid bills, enormous powder-blocks
---chock full of arms demanding peace,
and the prayerful in a state of grace
---pouncing on bread and wine like hawks.

-Lacking power to evoke interest through overuse or repetition; hackneyed.
Archaic. Frayed or worn out by use.

-Monotonous talk filled with platitudes.
-Hypocritically pious language.
-Whining speech

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

A Dreary Day

An empty vessel of tears
What's this wetness down my cheeks? I'm not crying.
Brainjuice all gone,
Who stole my life?

Friday, August 05, 2005

A Love Poem

Amongst the roses dwell an egg
The petals too soft, the egg doth fall
Cushioned by the dulle moss
Bounces on the moss and flies
Back to the nest of roses soft.

The rose doth wilt and shows its brown
While evergreen moss waits patiently down
The nest of softness crumbles 'part
The egg teeters; falls down hard
Cushioned by the dulle moss

From whence they will never part.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Walking around surveying the wide world
With unseeing eyes, accustomed to all,
Stared at by a pair of dark orbs that would
Soon engulf, and here snow ceases to fall.

Lips move, but no sound escapes my prison.
Shaking, convulsing, a terrible quake,
White foam envelopes me like an infant
Resenting folds and chains that would not break.

Existing in my glassy boundary
No control more than a hunter's quarry.