Sunday, October 09, 2005

She stood still while the travellator breezed her past the shelves. Bananas, tinned sardines, lingerie.. something caught her eye. Glancing at the rows of merchandise in front of her, she pointed and a box flew into her outstretched hand.

"NEW!!!" The neon label screamed at her. "BETCHA CAN'T TELL E DIFFERENCE!"

"Wht's dis? nother new produck? YES! FINALLY! a mechanical hsehold helpr
tt looks n feels lyke one o us!
NO MORE stranger @ home! NO MORE metal freak!
Dis guy or gal wld be a new membr o e family!"

Her heart thumped beneath her mithril blouse. Turning the box around, she customised the look of Raon. Blue eyes, brown spiky hair,

-shall I continue this?-